Saturday, August 13, 2011

Making a Monster

I started this blog as a surprise for LBW (as he will now be known). I sent him a text asking him to check his gmail, so that he would see his invite to be an author for the Impeccable Palate. As expected, he was excited to start posting his culinary adventures with visitors who make their way to the site. We agreed that this would be a fun hobby for us to share.

Almost immediately, the gravity of what I'd done became apparent. The camera was quickly brought out for our dinner last night - leftover greens, homemade dressing and chopped herbs, canned white beans and some torn red pepper. The drinks required an assembly of the ingredients to set the scene, then he held the camera in one hand, outstretched his other to display the drink and snapped a few photos.

An impromptu trip to Pizza Port today will show up here soon. Not just the pizza, but the two beers LBW had and probably the glass of wine I had (I believe my eyes were rolling and not paying attention to whether every moment was captured). To be fair, it was our first time there, the pizza (garlic veggie on wholegrain beer crust) was excellent, the beer list extensive and the setting was exactly what we wanted for a quiet Saturday together.

So, I guess I can't really blame him for doing exactly what we've set out to do with these posts. I tease him, but it's really quite adorable. Yes, I've exacerbated his food documentation, but I'm looking forward to doing this together. I'm just glad we had a big lunch, because our spinach, red lentil and bean curry recipe that we have planned for tonight might be held up with Ansel for a while.

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